Result for F1882D04D6C814FAD3EEE4D21F2AC4169AD6F428

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Network graph view

Parents (Total: 34)

The searched file hash is included in 34 parent files which include package known and seen by metalookup. A sample is included below:

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PackageDescriptionThis package was described in the 2nd edition of 'LaTeX: A Document Preparation System', but the LaTeX project team declined to produce the package. For a long time, LaTeX included a 'pict2e package' that merely produced an apologetic error message. The new package extends the existing LaTeX picture environment, using the familiar technique (cf. the graphics and color packages) of driver files (at present, drivers for dvips, pdfTeX, LuaTeX, XeTeX, VTeX, dvipdfm, and dvipdfmx are available). The package documentation has a fair number of examples of use, showing where things are improved by comparison with the LaTeX picture environment.
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PackageDescriptionThis package brings the main TeX Live distribution packages (fonts and TeX-related libraries) that are missing from the texlive-basic package.
PackageMaintainermokraemer <mokraemer>
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PackageDescriptionThis package was described in the 2nd edition of 'LaTeX: A Document Preparation System', but the LaTeX project team declined to produce the package. For a long time, LaTeX included a 'pict2e package' that merely produced an apologetic error message. The new package extends the existing LaTeX picture environment, using the familiar technique (cf. the graphics and color packages) of driver files (at present, drivers for dvips, pdfTeX, LuaTeX, XeTeX, VTeX, dvipdfm, and dvipdfmx are available). The package documentation has a fair number of examples of use, showing where things are improved by comparison with the LaTeX picture environment.
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PackageDescriptionTeX Live: Graphics, pictures, diagrams Including TikZ, pict, etc., but MetaPost and PStricks are separate. . This package includes the following CTAN packages: . adigraph -- Augmenting directed graphs . aobs-tikz -- TikZ styles for creating overlaid pictures in beamer . askmaps -- Typeset American style Karnaugh maps . asyfig -- Commands for using Asymptote figures . asypictureb -- User-friendly integration of Asymptote into LaTeX . autoarea -- Automatic computation of bounding boxes with PiCTeX . bardiag -- LaTeX package for drawing bar diagrams . beamerswitch -- Convenient mode selection in Beamer documents . binarytree -- Drawing binary trees using TikZ . blochsphere -- Draw pseudo-3D diagrams of Bloch spheres . bloques -- Generate control diagrams . blox -- Draw block diagrams, using TikZ . bodegraph -- Draw Bode, Nyquist and Black plots with gnuplot and TikZ . bondgraph -- Create bond graph figures in LaTeX documents . bondgraphs -- Draws bond graphs in LaTeX, using PGF/TikZ . braids -- Draw braid diagrams with PGF/TikZ . bxeepic -- Eepic facilities using pict2e . byo-twemojis -- "Build Your Own Twemojis" with TikZ . byrne -- This package provides a set of tools to typeset geometric proofs in the style of Oliver Byrne's 1847 ed. of Euclid's "Elements" . cachepic -- Convert document fragments into graphics . callouts -- Put simple annotations and notes inside a picture . celtic -- A TikZ library for drawing celtic knots . chemfig -- Draw molecules with easy syntax . circuit-macros -- M4 macros for electric circuit diagrams . circuitikz -- Draw electrical networks with TikZ . circularglyphs -- A circular glyphs alphabet . coffeestains -- Add coffee stains to documents . coloredbelts -- Insert colored belts (vectorial format) in documents (to presetn skills, for example) . combinedgraphics -- Include graphic (EPS or PDF)/LaTeX combinations . curve -- A class for making curriculum vitae . curve2e -- Extensions for package pict2e . curves -- Curves for LaTeX picture environment . dcpic -- Commutative diagrams in a LaTeX and TeX documents . diagmac2 -- Diagram macros, using pict2e . ditaa -- Use ditaa diagrams within LaTeX documents . doc-pictex -- A summary list of PicTeX documentation . dot2texi -- Create graphs within LaTeX using the dot2tex tool . dottex -- Use dot code in LaTeX . dpcircling -- Decorated text boxes using TikZ . dratex -- General drawing macros . drs -- Typeset Discourse Representation Structures (DRS) . duotenzor -- Drawing package for circuit and duotensor diagrams . dynkin-diagrams -- Draw Dynkin, Coxeter, and Satake diagrams using TikZ . ecgdraw -- Draws electrocardiograms (ECG) . eepic -- Extensions to epic and the LaTeX drawing tools . egpeirce -- Draw existential graphs invented by Charles S. Peirce . ellipse -- Draw ellipses and elliptical arcs using the standard LaTeX2e picture environment . endofproofwd -- An "end of proof" sign . epspdf -- Converter for PostScript, EPS and PDF . epspdfconversion -- On-the-fly conversion of EPS to PDF . esk -- Package to encapsulate Sketch files in LaTeX sources . euflag -- A command to reproduce the flag of the European Union . fast-diagram -- Easy generation of FAST diagrams . fenetrecas -- Commands for CAS-like windows (Xcas or Geogebra) in TikZ . fig4latex -- Management of figures for large LaTeX documents . figchild -- Pictures for creating children's activities . figput -- Create interactive figures in LaTeX . fitbox -- Fit graphics on a page . flowchart -- Shapes for drawing flowcharts, using TikZ . forest -- Drawing (linguistic) trees . genealogytree -- Pedigree and genealogical tree diagrams . getmap -- Download OpenStreetMap maps for use in documents . gincltex -- Include TeX files as graphics (.tex support for \includegraphics) . gnuplottex -- Embed Gnuplot commands in LaTeX documents . gradientframe -- Simple gradient frames around objects . grafcet -- Draw Grafcet/SFC with TikZ . graph35 -- Draw keys and screen items of several Casio calculators . graphicxpsd -- Adobe Photoshop Data format (PSD) support for graphicx package . graphviz -- Write graphviz (dot+neato) inline in LaTeX documents . gtrlib-largetrees -- Library for genealogytree aiming at large trees . harveyballs -- Create Harvey Balls using TikZ . here -- Emulation of obsolete package for "here" floats . hf-tikz -- A simple way to highlight formulas and formula parts . hobby -- An implementation of Hobby's algorithm for PGF/TikZ . hvfloat -- Controlling captions, fullpage and doublepage floats . istgame -- Draw Game Trees with TikZ . kblocks -- Easily typeset Control Block Diagrams and Signal Flow Graphs . kinematikz -- Design kinematic chains and mechanisms . knitting -- Produce knitting charts, in Plain TeX or LaTeX . knittingpattern -- Create knitting patterns . ladder -- Draw simple ladder diagrams using TikZ . lapdf -- PDF drawing directly in TeX documents . latex-make -- Easy compiling of complex (and simple) LaTeX documents . liftarm -- Draw liftarms . lpic -- Put LaTeX material over included graphics . lroundrect -- LaTeX macros for utilizing the roundrect MetaPost routines . luamesh -- Computes and draws 2D Delaunay triangulation . luasseq -- Drawing spectral sequences in LuaLaTeX . maker -- Include Arduino or Processing code in LaTeX documents . makeshape -- Declare new PGF shapes . mathspic -- A Perl filter program for use with PiCTeX . memoize -- Externalization of graphics and memoization of compilation results in general . mercatormap -- Spherical Mercator coordinate systems and Web Mercator tile integration . milsymb -- LaTeX package for TikZ based drawing of military symbols as per NATO APP-6(C) . miniplot -- A package for easy figure arrangement . mkpic -- Perl interface to mfpic . modiagram -- Drawing molecular orbital diagrams . neuralnetwork -- Graph-drawing for neural networks . nl-interval -- Represent intervals on the number line . nndraw -- Draw neural networks . numericplots -- Plot numeric data (including Matlab export) using PSTricks . outilsgeomtikz -- Some geometric tools, with TikZ . papiergurvan -- Commands to work with Gurvan Paper . pb-diagram -- A commutative diagram package using LAMSTeX or Xy-pic fonts . petri-nets -- A set TeX/LaTeX packages for drawing Petri nets . pgf -- Create PostScript and PDF graphics in TeX . pgf-blur -- PGF/TikZ package for "blurred" shadows . pgf-interference -- Drawing interference patterns with PGF/TikZ . pgf-periodictable -- Create custom periodic tables of elements . pgf-pie -- Draw pie charts, using PGF . pgf-soroban -- Create images of the soroban using TikZ/PGF . pgf-spectra -- Draw continuous or discrete spectra using PGF/TikZ . pgf-umlcd -- Some LaTeX macros for UML Class Diagrams . pgf-umlsd -- Draw UML Sequence Diagrams . pgfgantt -- Draw Gantt charts with TikZ . pgfkeyx -- Extended and more robust version of pgfkeys . pgfmolbio -- Draw graphs typically found in molecular biology texts . pgfmorepages -- Assemble multiple logical pages onto a physical page . pgfopts -- LaTeX package options with pgfkeys . pgfornament -- Drawing of Vectorian ornaments with PGF/TikZ . pgfplots -- Create normal/logarithmic plots in two and three dimensions . picinpar -- Insert pictures into paragraphs . pict2e -- New implementation of picture commands . pictex -- Picture drawing macros for TeX and LaTeX . pictex2 -- Adds relative coordinates and improves the \plot command . pinlabel -- A TeX labelling package . pixelart -- Draw pixel-art pictures . pixelarttikz -- Work with PixelArts, with TikZ . pmgraph -- "Poor man's" graphics . polyhedra -- A TikZ package for drawing polyhedra . postage -- Stamp letters with >>Deutsche Post<<'s service >>Internetmarke<< . postit -- A LaTeX package for displaying Post-it notes . prerex -- Interactive editor and macro support for prerequisite charts . productbox -- Typeset a three-dimensional product box . ptolemaicastronomy -- Diagrams of sphere models for variably strict conditionals (Lewis counterfactuals) . puyotikz -- Quickly typeset board states of Puyo Puyo games . pxpgfmark -- e-pTeX driver for PGF inter-picture connections . pxpic -- Draw pixel pictures . qcircuit -- Macros to generate quantum ciruits . qrcode -- Generate QR codes in LaTeX . quantikz -- Draw quantum circuit diagrams . randbild -- Marginal pictures . randomwalk -- Random walks using TikZ . realhats -- Put real hats on symbols instead of ^ . reotex -- Draw Reo Channels and Circuits . robotarm -- TikZ powered LaTeX package to draw parameterized 2D robot arms . rviewport -- Relative Viewport for Graphics Inclusion . sa-tikz -- TikZ library to draw switching architectures . sacsymb -- "Sacred Symbols" prepared with TikZ . schemabloc -- Draw block diagrams, using TikZ . scratch -- Draw programs like "scratch" . scratch3 -- Draw programs like "scratch" . scsnowman -- Snowman variants using TikZ . setdeck -- Typeset cards for Set . signchart -- Create beautifully typeset sign charts . simplenodes -- Simple nodes in four colors written in TikZ for LaTeX . simpleoptics -- Drawing lenses and mirrors for optical diagrams . smartdiagram -- Generate diagrams from lists . spath3 -- Manipulate "soft paths" in PGF . spectralsequences -- Print spectral sequence diagrams using PGF/TikZ . strands -- Draw objects constructed from strands . swimgraf -- Graphical/textual representations of swimming performances . syntaxdi -- Create "railroad" syntax diagrams . table-fct -- Draw a variations table of functions and a convexity table of its graph . texdraw -- Graphical macros, using embedded PostScript . ticollege -- Graphical representation of keys on a standard scientific calculator . tikz-3dplot -- Coordinate transformation styles for 3d plotting in TikZ . tikz-among-us -- Create some AmongUs characters in TikZ environments . tikz-bagua -- Draw Bagua symbols in Yijing . tikz-bayesnet -- Draw Bayesian networks, graphical models and directed factor graphs . tikz-bbox -- Precise determination of bounding boxes in TikZ . tikz-cd -- Create commutative diagrams with TikZ . tikz-dependency -- A library for drawing dependency graphs . tikz-dimline -- Technical dimension lines using PGF/TikZ . tikz-ext -- A collection of libraries for PGF/TikZ . tikz-feynhand -- Feynman diagrams with TikZ . tikz-feynman -- Feynman diagrams with TikZ . tikz-imagelabels -- Put labels on images using TikZ . tikz-inet -- Draw interaction nets with TikZ . tikz-kalender -- A LaTeX based calendar using TikZ . tikz-karnaugh -- Typeset Karnaugh maps using TikZ . tikz-ladder -- Draw ladder diagrams using TikZ . tikz-lake-fig -- Schematic diagrams of lakes . tikz-layers -- TikZ provides graphical layers on TikZ: "behind", "above" and "glass" . tikz-mirror-lens -- Spherical mirrors and lenses in TikZ . tikz-nef -- Create diagrams for neural networks constructed with the methods of the Neural Engineering Framework (NEF) . tikz-network -- Draw networks with TikZ . tikz-nfold -- Triple, quadruple, and n-fold paths with TikZ . tikz-opm -- Typeset OPM diagrams . tikz-optics -- A library for drawing optical setups with TikZ . tikz-osci -- Produce oscilloscope "screen shots" . tikz-page -- Small macro to help building nice and complex layout materials . tikz-palattice -- Draw particle accelerator lattices with TikZ . tikz-planets -- Illustrate celestial mechanics and the solar system . tikz-qtree -- Use existing qtree syntax for trees in TikZ . tikz-relay -- TikZ library for typesetting electrical diagrams . tikz-sfc -- Symbols collection for typesetting Sequential Function Chart (SFC) diagrams (PLC programs) . tikz-swigs -- Horizontally and vertically split elliptical nodes . tikz-timing -- Easy generation of timing diagrams as TikZ pictures . tikz-trackschematic -- A TikZ library for creating track diagrams in railways . tikz-truchet -- Draw Truchet tiles . tikz2d-fr -- Work with some 2D TikZ commands (French) . tikz3d-fr -- Work with some 3D figures . tikzbricks -- Drawing bricks with TikZ . tikzcodeblocks -- Helps to draw codeblocks like scratch, NEPO and PXT in TikZ . tikzducks -- A little fun package for using rubber ducks in TikZ . tikzfill -- TikZ libraries for filling with images and patterns . tikzinclude -- Import TikZ images from colletions . tikzlings -- A collection of cute little animals and similar creatures . tikzmark -- Use TikZ's method of remembering a position on a page . tikzmarmots -- Drawing little marmots in TikZ . tikzorbital -- Atomic and molecular orbitals using TikZ . tikzpackets -- Display network packets . tikzpagenodes -- A single TikZ node for the whole page . tikzpeople -- Draw people-shaped nodes in TikZ . tikzpfeile -- Draw arrows using PGF/TikZ . tikzpingus -- Penguins with TikZ . tikzposter -- Create scientific posters using TikZ . tikzscale -- Resize pictures while respecting text size . tikzsymbols -- Some symbols created using TikZ . tikztosvg -- A utility for rendering TikZ diagrams to SVG . tikzviolinplots -- Draws violin plots from data . tile-graphic -- Create tiles of a graphical file . tilings -- A TikZ library for drawing tiles and tilings . timing-diagrams -- Draw timing diagrams . tipfr -- Produces calculator's keys with the help of TikZ . tkz-base -- Tools for drawing with a cartesian coordinate system . tkz-berge -- Macros for drawing graphs of graph theory . tkz-bernoulli -- Draw Bernoulli trees with TikZ . tkz-doc -- Documentation macros for the TKZ series of packages . tkz-elements -- A Lua library for drawing Euclidean geometry with TikZ or tkz-euclide . tkz-euclide -- Tools for drawing Euclidean geometry . tkz-fct -- Tools for drawing graphs of functions . tkz-graph -- Draw graph-theory graphs . tkz-orm -- Create Object-Role Model (ORM) diagrams . tkz-tab -- Tables of signs and variations using PGF/TikZ . tkzexample -- Package for the documentation of all tkz-* packages . tonevalue -- Tool for linguists and phoneticians to visualize tone value patterns . tqft -- Drawing TQFT diagrams with TikZ/PGF . tsemlines -- Support for the ancient \emline macro . tufte-latex -- Document classes inspired by the work of Edward Tufte . twemojis -- Use Twitter's open source emojis through LaTeX commands . tzplot -- Plot graphs with TikZ abbreviations . utfsym -- Provides various Unicode symbols . vectorlogos -- Vectorial logos (GeoGebra, Emacs, Scratch, ...) with 'inline' support . venndiagram -- Creating Venn diagrams with TikZ . visualpstricks -- Visual help for PSTricks based on images with minimum text . wheelchart -- Draw wheelcharts with TikZ . wordcloud -- Drawing wordclouds with MetaPost and Lua . worldflags -- Drawing flags with TikZ . xistercian -- Cistercian numerals in LaTeX . xpicture -- Extensions of LaTeX picture drawing . xypic -- Flexible diagramming macros
PackageMaintainerUbuntu Developers <>
Key Value
PackageDescriptionTeX Live: Graphics, pictures, diagrams Including TikZ, pict, etc., but MetaPost and PStricks are separate. . This package includes the following CTAN packages: . adigraph -- Augmenting directed graphs . aobs-tikz -- TikZ styles for creating overlaid pictures in beamer . askmaps -- Typeset American style Karnaugh maps . asyfig -- Commands for using Asymptote figures . asypictureb -- User-friendly integration of Asymptote into LaTeX . autoarea -- Automatic computation of bounding boxes with PiCTeX . bardiag -- LaTeX package for drawing bar diagrams . beamerswitch -- Convenient mode selection in Beamer documents . binarytree -- Drawing binary trees using TikZ . blochsphere -- Draw pseudo-3D diagrams of Bloch spheres . bloques -- Generate control diagrams . blox -- Draw block diagrams, using TikZ . bodegraph -- Draw Bode, Nyquist and Black plots with gnuplot and TikZ . bondgraph -- Create bond graph figures in LaTeX documents . bondgraphs -- Draws bond graphs in LaTeX, using PGF/TikZ . braids -- Draw braid diagrams with PGF/TikZ . bxeepic -- Eepic facilities using pict2e . byo-twemojis -- "Build Your Own Twemojis" with TikZ . cachepic -- Convert document fragments into graphics . callouts -- Put simple annotations and notes inside a picture . celtic -- A TikZ library for drawing celtic knots . chemfig -- Draw molecules with easy syntax . circuit-macros -- M4 macros for electric circuit diagrams . circuitikz -- Draw electrical networks with TikZ . coffeestains -- Add coffee stains to documents . combinedgraphics -- Include graphic (EPS or PDF)/LaTeX combinations . curve -- A class for making curriculum vitae . curve2e -- Extensions for package pict2e . curves -- Curves for LaTeX picture environment . dcpic -- Commutative diagrams in a LaTeX and TeX documents . diagmac2 -- Diagram macros, using pict2e . ditaa -- Use ditaa diagrams within LaTeX documents . doc-pictex -- A summary list of PicTeX documentation . dot2texi -- Create graphs within LaTeX using the dot2tex tool . dottex -- Use dot code in LaTeX . dpcircling -- Decorated text boxes using TikZ . dratex -- General drawing macros . drs -- Typeset Discourse Representation Structures (DRS) . duotenzor -- Drawing package for circuit and duotensor diagrams . dynkin-diagrams -- Draw Dynkin, Coxeter, and Satake diagrams using TikZ . ecgdraw -- Draws electrocardiograms (ECG) . eepic -- Extensions to epic and the LaTeX drawing tools . ellipse -- Draw ellipses and elliptical arcs using the standard LaTeX2e picture environment . endofproofwd -- An "end of proof" sign . epspdf -- Converter for PostScript, EPS and PDF . epspdfconversion -- On-the-fly conversion of EPS to PDF . esk -- Package to encapsulate Sketch files in LaTeX sources . euflag -- A command to reproduce the flag of the European Union . fast-diagram -- Easy generation of FAST diagrams . fig4latex -- Management of figures for large LaTeX documents . figchild -- Pictures for creating children's activities . fitbox -- Fit graphics on a page . flowchart -- Shapes for drawing flowcharts, using TikZ . forest -- Drawing (linguistic) trees . genealogytree -- Pedigree and genealogical tree diagrams . getmap -- Download OpenStreetMap maps for use in documents . gincltex -- Include TeX files as graphics (.tex support for \includegraphics) . gnuplottex -- Embed Gnuplot commands in LaTeX documents . gradientframe -- Simple gradient frames around objects . grafcet -- Draw Grafcet/SFC with TikZ . graph35 -- Draw keys and screen items of several Casio calculators . graphicxpsd -- Adobe Photoshop Data format (PSD) support for graphicx package . graphviz -- Write graphviz (dot+neato) inline in LaTeX documents . gtrlib-largetrees -- Library for genealogytree aiming at large trees . harveyballs -- Create Harvey Balls using TikZ . here -- Emulation of obsolete package for "here" floats . hf-tikz -- A simple way to highlight formulas and formula parts . hobby -- An implementation of Hobby's algorithm for PGF/TikZ . hvfloat -- Controlling captions, fullpage and doublepage floats . istgame -- Draw Game Trees with TikZ . kblocks -- Easily typeset Control Block Diagrams and Signal Flow Graphs . knitting -- Produce knitting charts, in Plain TeX or LaTeX . knittingpattern -- Create knitting patterns . ladder -- Draw simple ladder diagrams using TikZ . lapdf -- PDF drawing directly in TeX documents . latex-make -- Easy compiling of complex (and simple) LaTeX documents . lpic -- Put LaTeX material over included graphics . lroundrect -- LaTeX macros for utilizing the roundrect MetaPost routines . luamesh -- Computes and draws 2D Delaunay triangulation . luasseq -- Drawing spectral sequences in LuaLaTeX . maker -- Include Arduino or Processing code in LaTeX documents . makeshape -- Declare new PGF shapes . mathspic -- A Perl filter program for use with PiCTeX . mercatormap -- Spherical Mercator coordinate systems and Web Mercator tile integration . milsymb -- LaTeX package for TikZ based drawing of military symbols as per NATO APP-6(C) . miniplot -- A package for easy figure arrangement . mkpic -- Perl interface to mfpic . modiagram -- Drawing molecular orbital diagrams . neuralnetwork -- Graph-drawing for neural networks . nl-interval -- Represent intervals on the number line . nndraw -- Draw neural networks . numericplots -- Plot numeric data (including Matlab export) using PSTricks . pb-diagram -- A commutative diagram package using LAMSTeX or Xy-pic fonts . penrose -- A TikZ library for producing Penrose tilings . petri-nets -- A set TeX/LaTeX packages for drawing Petri nets . pgf -- Create PostScript and PDF graphics in TeX . pgf-blur -- PGF/TikZ package for "blurred" shadows . pgf-cmykshadings -- Support for CMYK and grayscale shadings in PGF/TikZ . pgf-pie -- Draw pie charts, using PGF . pgf-soroban -- Create images of the soroban using TikZ/PGF . pgf-spectra -- Draw continuous or discrete spectra using PGF/TikZ . pgf-umlcd -- Some LaTeX macros for UML Class Diagrams . pgf-umlsd -- Draw UML Sequence Diagrams . pgfgantt -- Draw Gantt charts with TikZ . pgfkeyx -- Extended and more robust version of pgfkeys . pgfmolbio -- Draw graphs typically found in molecular biology texts . pgfmorepages -- Assemble multiple logical pages onto a physical page . pgfopts -- LaTeX package options with pgfkeys . pgfornament -- Drawing of Vectorian ornaments with PGF/TikZ . pgfplots -- Create normal/logarithmic plots in two and three dimensions . picinpar -- Insert pictures into paragraphs . pict2e -- New implementation of picture commands . pictex -- Picture drawing macros for TeX and LaTeX . pictex2 -- Adds relative coordinates and improves the \plot command . pinlabel -- A TeX labelling package . pixelart -- A package to draw pixel-art pictures . pmgraph -- "Poor man's" graphics . postage -- Stamp letters with >>Deutsche Post<<'s service >>Internetmarke<< . prerex -- Interactive editor and macro support for prerequisite charts . productbox -- Typeset a three-dimensional product box . ptolemaicastronomy -- Diagrams of sphere models for variably strict conditionals (Lewis counterfactuals) . puyotikz -- Quickly typeset board states of Puyo Puyo games . pxpgfmark -- e-pTeX driver for PGF inter-picture connections . pxpic -- Draw pixel pictures . qcircuit -- Macros to generate quantum ciruits . qrcode -- Generate QR codes in LaTeX . quantikz -- Draw quantum circuit diagrams . randbild -- Marginal pictures . randomwalk -- Random walks using TikZ . realhats -- Put real hats on symbols instead of ^ . reotex -- Draw Reo Channels and Circuits . rviewport -- Relative Viewport for Graphics Inclusion . sa-tikz -- TikZ library to draw switching architectures . schemabloc -- Draw block diagrams, using TikZ . scratch -- Draw programs like "scratch" . scratch3 -- Draw programs like "scratch" . scsnowman -- Snowman variants using TikZ . setdeck -- Typeset cards for Set . signchart -- Create beautifully typeset sign charts . simpleoptics -- Drawing lenses and mirrors for optical diagrams . smartdiagram -- Generate diagrams from lists . spath3 -- Manipulate "soft paths" in PGF . spectralsequences -- Print spectral sequence diagrams using PGF/TikZ . strands -- Draw objects constructed from strands . swimgraf -- Graphical/textual representations of swimming performances . syntaxdi -- Create "railroad" syntax diagrams . table-fct -- Draw a variations table of functions and a convexity table of its graph . texdraw -- Graphical macros, using embedded PostScript . ticollege -- Graphical representation of keys on a standard scientific calculator . tikz-3dplot -- Coordinate transformation styles for 3d plotting in TikZ . tikz-among-us -- Create some AmongUs characters in TikZ environments . tikz-bayesnet -- Draw Bayesian networks, graphical models and directed factor graphs . tikz-bbox -- Precise determination of bounding boxes in TikZ . tikz-cd -- Create commutative diagrams with TikZ . tikz-dependency -- A library for drawing dependency graphs . tikz-dimline -- Technical dimension lines using PGF/TikZ . tikz-feynhand -- Feynman diagrams with TikZ . tikz-feynman -- Feynman diagrams with TikZ . tikz-imagelabels -- Put labels on images using TikZ . tikz-inet -- Draw interaction nets with TikZ . tikz-kalender -- A LaTeX based calendar using TikZ . tikz-karnaugh -- Typeset Karnaugh maps using TikZ . tikz-ladder -- Draw ladder diagrams using TikZ . tikz-lake-fig -- Schematic diagrams of lakes . tikz-layers -- TikZ provides graphical layers on TikZ: "behind", "above" and "glass" . tikz-nef -- Create diagrams for neural networks constructed with the methods of the Neural Engineering Framework (NEF) . tikz-network -- Draw networks with TikZ . tikz-opm -- Typeset OPM diagrams . tikz-optics -- A library for drawing optical setups with TikZ . tikz-page -- Small macro to help building nice and complex layout materials . tikz-palattice -- Draw particle accelerator lattices with TikZ . tikz-planets -- Illustrate celestial mechanics and the solar system . tikz-qtree -- Use existing qtree syntax for trees in TikZ . tikz-relay -- TikZ library for typesetting electrical diagrams . tikz-sfc -- Symbols collection for typesetting Sequential Function Chart (SFC) diagrams (PLC programs) . tikz-swigs -- Horizontally and vertically split elliptical nodes . tikz-timing -- Easy generation of timing diagrams as TikZ pictures . tikz-trackschematic -- A TikZ library for creating track diagrams in railways . tikz-truchet -- Draw Truchet tiles . tikzbricks -- Drawing bricks with TikZ . tikzcodeblocks -- Helps to draw codeblocks like scratch, NEPO and PXT in TikZ . tikzducks -- A little fun package for using rubber ducks in TikZ . tikzinclude -- Import TikZ images from colletions . tikzlings -- A collection of cute little animals and similar creatures . tikzmark -- Use TikZ's method of remembering a position on a page . tikzmarmots -- Drawing little marmots in TikZ . tikzorbital -- Atomic and molecular orbitals using TikZ . tikzpackets -- Display network packets . tikzpagenodes -- A single TikZ node for the whole page . tikzpeople -- Draw people-shaped nodes in TikZ . tikzpfeile -- Draw arrows using PGF/TikZ . tikzposter -- Create scientific posters using TikZ . tikzscale -- Resize pictures while respecting text size . tikzsymbols -- Some symbols created using TikZ . tikztosvg -- A utility for rendering TikZ diagrams to SVG . tile-graphic -- Create tiles of a graphical file . timing-diagrams -- Draw timing diagrams . tipfr -- Produces calculator's keys with the help of TikZ . tkz-base -- Tools for drawing with a cartesian coordinate system . tkz-berge -- Macros for drawing graphs of graph theory . tkz-doc -- Documentation macros for the TKZ series of packages . tkz-euclide -- Tools for drawing Euclidean geometry . tkz-fct -- Tools for drawing graphs of functions . tkz-graph -- Draw graph-theory graphs . tkz-orm -- Create Object-Role Model (ORM) diagrams . tkz-tab -- Tables of signs and variations using PGF/TikZ . tonevalue -- Tool for linguists and phoneticians to visualize tone value patterns . tqft -- Drawing TQFT diagrams with TikZ/PGF . tsemlines -- Support for the ancient \emline macro . tufte-latex -- Document classes inspired by the work of Edward Tufte . tzplot -- Plot graphs with TikZ abbreviations . utfsym -- Provides various Unicode symbols . venndiagram -- Creating Venn diagrams with TikZ . visualpstricks -- Visual help for PSTricks based on images with minimum text . worldflags -- Drawing flags with TikZ . xistercian -- Cistercian numerals in LaTeX . xpicture -- Extensions of LaTeX picture drawing . xypic -- Flexible diagramming macros
PackageMaintainerDebian TeX Task Force <>
Key Value