Result for 39C0E4D41B713DC38BAB19922094020CB0FF991C

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Parents (Total: 34)

The searched file hash is included in 34 parent files which include package known and seen by metalookup. A sample is included below:

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Key Value
PackageDescriptionIncludes styles for American Physical Society, American Institute of Physics, and Optical Society of America. The distribution consists of the RevTeX class itself, and several support packages.
Key Value
PackageDescriptionThis package brings the main TeX Live distribution packages (fonts and TeX-related libraries) that are missing from the texlive-basic package.
PackageMaintainermokraemer <mokraemer>
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PackageDescriptionIncludes styles for American Physical Society, American Institute of Physics, and Optical Society of America. The distribution consists of the RevTeX class itself, and several support packages.
Key Value
PackageDescriptionIncludes styles for American Physical Society, American Institute of Physics, and Optical Society of America. The distribution consists of the RevTeX class itself, and several support packages.
Key Value
PackageDescriptionTeX Live: Publisher styles, theses, etc. This package includes the following CTAN packages: . IEEEconf -- Macros for IEEE conference proceedings . IEEEtran -- Document class for IEEE Transactions journals and conferences . aastex -- Macros for Manuscript Preparation for AAS Journals . abnt -- Typesetting academic works according to ABNT rules . abntex2 -- Typeset technical and scientific Brazilian documents based on ABNT rules . acmart -- Class for typesetting publications of ACM . acmconf -- Class for ACM conference proceedings . active-conf -- Class for typesetting ACTIVE conference papers . adfathesis -- Australian Defence Force Academy thesis format . afparticle -- Typesetting articles for Archives of Forensic Psychology . afthesis -- Air Force Institute of Technology thesis class . aguplus -- Styles for American Geophysical Union . aiaa -- Typeset AIAA conference papers . ametsoc -- Official American Meteorological Society LaTeX Template . anonymous-acm -- Typeset anonymous versions for ACM articles . anufinalexam -- LaTeX document shell for ANU final exam . aomart -- Typeset articles for the Annals of Mathematics . apa -- American Psychological Association format . apa6 -- Format documents in APA style (6th edition) . apa6e -- Format manuscripts to APA 6th edition guidelines . apa7 -- Format documents in APA style (7th edition) . arsclassica -- A different view of the ClassicThesis package . articleingud -- LaTeX class for articles published in INGENIERIA review . asaetr -- Transactions of the ASAE . ascelike -- Bibliography style for the ASCE . asmeconf -- A template for ASME conference papers . asmejour -- A template for ASME journal papers . aucklandthesis -- Memoir-based class for formatting University of Auckland masters' and doctors' theses . bangorcsthesis -- Typeset a thesis at Bangor University . bangorexam -- Typeset an examination at Bangor University . bath-bst -- Harvard referencing style as recommended by the University of Bath Library . beamer-FUBerlin -- Beamer, using the style of FU Berlin . beamer-verona -- A theme for the beamer class . beilstein -- Support for submissions to the "Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology" . bgteubner -- Class for producing books for the publisher "Teubner Verlag" . br-lex -- A Class for Typesetting Brazilian legal texts . brandeis-dissertation -- Class for Brandeis University dissertations . brandeis-problemset -- Document class for COSI Problem sets at Brandeis University (Waltham, MA) . brandeis-thesis -- A class for Brandeis University M.A. theses . cascadilla -- Typeset papers conforming to the stylesheet of the Cascadilla Proceedings Project . cesenaexam -- A class file to typeset exams . chem-journal -- Various BibTeX formats for journals in Chemistry . chifoot -- Chicago-style footnote formatting . chs-physics-report -- Physics lab reports for Carmel High School . cje -- LaTeX document class for CJE articles . classicthesis -- A "classically styled" thesis package . cleanthesis -- A clean LaTeX style for thesis documents . cmpj -- Style for the journal Condensed Matter Physics . confproc -- A set of tools for generating conference proceedings . cquthesis -- LaTeX Thesis Template for Chongqing University . dccpaper -- Typeset papers for the International Journal of Digital Curation . dithesis -- A class for undergraduate theses at the University of Athens . ebook -- Helps creating an ebook by providing an ebook class . ebsthesis -- Typesetting theses for economics . ecothesis -- LaTeX thesis template for the Universidade Federal de Vicosa (UFV), Brazil . ejpecp -- Class for EJP and ECP . ekaia -- Article format for publishing the Basque Country Science and Technology Journal "Ekaia" . elbioimp -- A LaTeX document class for the Journal of Electrical Bioimpedance . els-cas-templates -- Elsevier updated LaTeX templates . elsarticle -- Class for articles for submission to Elsevier journals . elteikthesis -- Thesis template for Eotvos Lorand University (Informatics) . emisa -- A LaTeX package for preparing manuscripts for the journal EMISA . erdc -- Style for Reports by US Army Corps of Engineers . estcpmm -- Style for Munitions Management Project Reports . etsvthor -- Some useful abbreviations for members of e.t.s.v. Thor . facture-belge-simple-sans-tva -- Simple Belgian invoice without VAT . fbithesis -- Computer Science thesis class for University of Dortmund . fcavtex -- A thesis class for the FCAV/UNESP (Brazil) . fcltxdoc -- Macros for use in the author's documentation . fei -- Class for academic works at FEI University Center -- Brazil . ftc-notebook -- Typeset FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) notebooks . gaceta -- A class to typeset La Gaceta de la RSME . gammas -- Template for the GAMM Archive for Students . gatech-thesis -- Georgia Institute of Technology thesis class . gradstudentresume -- A generic template for graduate student resumes . grant -- Classes for formatting federal grant proposals . gsemthesis -- Geneva School of Economics and Management PhD thesis format . gzt -- Bundle of classes for "La Gazette des Mathematiciens" . h2020proposal -- LaTeX class and template for EU H2020 RIA proposal . hagenberg-thesis -- A Collection of LaTeX classes, style files, and example documents for academic manuscripts . har2nat -- Replace the harvard package with natbib . hecthese -- A class for dissertations and theses at HEC Montreal . hep-paper -- Publications in High Energy Physics . hithesis -- Harbin Institute of Technology Thesis Template . hitszbeamer -- A beamer theme for Harbin Institute of Technology, ShenZhen . hitszthesis -- A dissertation template for Harbin Institute of Technology, ShenZhen . hobete -- Unofficial beamer theme for the University of Hohenheim . hu-berlin-bundle -- LaTeX classes for the Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin . hustthesis -- Unofficial thesis template for Huazhong University . icsv -- Class for typesetting articles for the ICSV conference . ieeepes -- IEEE Power Engineering Society Transactions . ijmart -- LaTeX Class for the Israel Journal of Mathematics . ijsra -- LaTeX document class for the International Journal of Student Research in Archaeology . imac -- International Modal Analysis Conference format . imtekda -- IMTEK thesis class . inkpaper -- A mathematical paper template . iodhbwm -- Unofficial template of the DHBW Mannheim . iscram -- A LaTeX class to publish article to ISCRAM conferences . jacow -- The "jacow.cls" class is used for submissions to the proceedings of conferences on . jmlr -- Class files for the Journal of Machine Learning Research . jnuexam -- Exam class for Jinan University . jpsj -- Document Class for Journal of the Physical Society of Japan . kdgdocs -- Document classes for Karel de Grote University College . kluwer -- Kluwer publication support . ksp-thesis -- A LaTeX class for theses published with KIT Scientific Publishing . ku-template -- Copenhagen University or faculty logo for front page . langsci -- Typeset books for publication with Language Science Press . langsci-avm -- Attribute-value matrices and feature structures for use in linguistics . limecv -- A (Xe/Lua)LaTeX document class for curriculum vitae . lion-msc -- LaTeX class for B.Sc. and M.Sc. reports at Leiden Institute of Physics (LION) . llncsconf -- LaTeX package extending Springer's llncs class . lni -- Official class for the "Lecture Notes in Informatics" . lps -- Class for "Logic and Philosophy of Science" . matc3 -- Commands for MatematicaC3 textbooks . matc3mem -- Class for MatematicaC3 textbooks . mcmthesis -- Template designed for MCM/ICM . mentis -- A basis for books to be published by Mentis publishers . mlacls -- LaTeX class for MLA papers . mluexercise -- Exercises/homework at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg . mnras -- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society . modeles-factures-belges-assocs -- Generate invoices for Belgian non-profit organizations . msu-thesis -- Class for Michigan State University Master's and PhD theses . mucproc -- Conference proceedings for the German MuC-conference . mugsthesis -- Thesis class complying with Marquette University Graduate School requirements . muling -- MA Thesis class for the Department of Linguistics, University of Mumbai . musuos -- Typeset papers for the department of music, Osnabruck . muthesis -- Classes for University of Manchester Dept of Computer Science . mynsfc -- XeLaTeX template for writing the main body of NSFC proposals . nature -- Prepare papers for the journal Nature . navydocs -- Support for Technical Reports by US Navy Organizations . nddiss -- Notre Dame Dissertation format class . ndsu-thesis -- North Dakota State University disquisition class . nih -- A class for NIH grant applications . nihbiosketch -- A class for NIH biosketches based on the 2015 updated format . nostarch -- LaTeX class for No Starch Press . novel -- Class for printing fiction, such as novels . nrc -- Class for the NRC technical journals . nwejm -- Support for the journal "North-Western European Journal of Mathematics" . onrannual -- Class for Office of Naval Research Ocean Battlespace Sensing annual report . opteng -- SPIE Optical Engineering and OE Letters manuscript template . oup-authoring-template -- A general template for journals published by Oxford University Press (OUP) . philosophersimprint -- Typesetting articles for "Philosophers' Imprint" . pittetd -- Electronic Theses and Dissertations at Pitt . pkuthss -- LaTeX template for dissertations in Peking University . powerdot-fuberlin -- Powerdot, using the style of FU Berlin . powerdot-tuliplab -- A style package for Powerdot to provide the design of TULIP Lab . pracjourn -- Typeset articles for PracTeX . procIAGssymp -- Macros for IAG symposium papers . proposal -- A set of LaTeX classes for preparing proposals for collaborative projects . prtec -- A template for PRTEC conference papers . ptptex -- Macros for 'Progress of Theoretical Physics' . qrbill -- Create QR bills using LaTeX . quantumarticle -- Document class for submissions to the Quantum journal . resphilosophica -- Typeset articles for the journal Res Philosophica . resumecls -- Typeset a resume both in English and Chinese . revtex -- Styles for various Physics Journals . revtex4 -- Styles for various Physics Journals (old version) . revtex4-1 -- Styles for various Physics Journals . rutitlepage -- Radboud University Titlepage Package . ryersonsgsthesis -- Ryerson School of Graduate Studies thesis template . ryethesis -- Class for Ryerson Unversity Graduate School requirements . sageep -- Format papers for the annual meeting of EEGS . sapthesis -- Typeset theses for Sapienza-University, Rome . schule -- Support for teachers at German schools . scientific-thesis-cover -- Provides cover page and affirmation at the end of a thesis . scrjrnl -- Typeset diaries or journals . sduthesis -- Thesis Template of Shandong University . seuthesis -- LaTeX template for theses at Southeastern University . seuthesix -- LaTeX class for theses at Southeast University, Nanjing, China . shortmathj -- Automatically shortify titles of mathematical journals . shtthesis -- An unofficial LaTeX thesis template for ShanghaiTech University . soton -- University of Southampton-compliant slides . sphdthesis -- LaTeX template for writing PhD Thesis . spie -- Support for formatting SPIE Proceedings manuscripts . sr-vorl -- Class for Springer books . srdp-mathematik -- Typeset Austrian SRDP in mathematics . stellenbosch -- Stellenbosch thesis bundle . suftesi -- A document class for typesetting theses, books and articles . sugconf -- SAS(R) user group conference proceedings document class . tabriz-thesis -- A template for the University of Tabriz . technion-thesis-template -- Template for theses on the Technion graduate school . texilikechaps -- Format chapters with a texi-like format . texilikecover -- A cover-page package, like TeXinfo . thesis-ekf -- Thesis class for Eszterhazy Karoly University . thesis-gwu -- Thesis class for George Washington University School of Engineering and Applied Science . thesis-qom -- Thesis style of the University of Qom, Iran . thesis-titlepage-fhac -- Little style to create a standard titlepage for diploma thesis . thuaslogos -- Logos for The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS) . thucoursework -- Coursework template for Tsinghua University . thuthesis -- Thesis template for Tsinghua University . timbreicmc -- Typeset documents with ICMC/USP watermarks . tlc-article -- A LaTeX document class for formal documents . topletter -- Letter class for the Politecnico di Torino . toptesi -- Bundle for typesetting multilanguage theses . tuda-ci -- LaTeX templates of Technische Universitat Darmstadt . tudscr -- Corporate Design of Technische Universitat Dresden . tugboat -- LaTeX macros for TUGboat articles . tugboat-plain -- Plain TeX macros for TUGboat . tui -- Thesis style for the University of the Andes, Colombia . turabian -- Create Turabian-formatted material using LaTeX . uaclasses -- University of Arizona thesis and dissertation format . uafthesis -- Document class for theses at University of Alaska Fairbanks . uantwerpendocs -- Course texts, master theses, and exams in University of Antwerp style . ucalgmthesis -- LaTeX thesis class for University of Calgary Faculty of Graduate Studies . ucbthesis -- Thesis and dissertation class supporting UCB requirements . ucdavisthesis -- A thesis/dissertation class for University of California at Davis . ucsmonograph -- Typesetting academic documents from the University of Caxias do Sul . ucthesis -- University of California thesis format . uestcthesis -- Thesis class for UESTC . uhhassignment -- A document class for typesetting homework assignments . uiucredborder -- Class for UIUC thesis red-bordered forms . uiucthesis -- UIUC thesis class . ulthese -- Thesis class and templates for Universite Laval . umbclegislation -- A LaTeX class for building legislation files for UMBC Student Government Association Bills . umich-thesis -- University of Michigan Thesis LaTeX class . umthesis -- Dissertations at the University of Michigan . unam-thesis -- Create documents according to the UNAM guidelines . unamth-template -- UNAM Thesis LaTeX Template . unamthesis -- Style for Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico theses . unifith -- Typeset theses for University of Florence (Italy) . unitn-bimrep -- A bimonthly report class for the PhD School of Materials, Mechatronics and System Engineering . univie-ling -- Papers, theses and research proposals in (Applied) Linguistics at Vienna University . unizgklasa -- A LaTeX class for theses at the Faculty Of Graphic Arts in Zagreb . unswcover -- Typeset a dissertation cover page following UNSW guidelines . uothesis -- Class for dissertations and theses at the University of Oregon . uowthesis -- Document class for dissertations at the University of Wollongong . uowthesistitlepage -- Title page for dissertations at the University of Wollongong . urcls -- Beamer and scrlttr2 classes and styles for the University of Regensburg . uspatent -- U.S. Patent Application Tools for LaTeX and LyX . ut-thesis -- University of Toronto thesis style . utexasthesis -- University of Texas at Austin graduate thesis style . uwthesis -- University of Washington thesis class . vancouver -- Bibliographic style file for Biomedical Journals . wsemclassic -- LaTeX class for Bavarian school w-seminar papers . xduthesis -- XeLaTeX template for writing Xidian University Thesis . xmuthesis -- XMU thesis style . yathesis -- A LaTeX class for writing a thesis following French rules . yazd-thesis -- A template for the Yazd University . york-thesis -- A thesis class file for York University, Toronto
PackageMaintainerDebian TeX Task Force <>
Key Value
PackageDescriptionIncludes styles for American Physical Society, American Institute of Physics, and Optical Society of America. The distribution consists of the RevTeX class itself, and several support packages.
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