PackageDescription | GL(Mesa) screen hacks for xscreensaver
XScreenSaver is a modular screen saver and locker for X11,
containing more than 200 screen savers.
This package contains a small selection of 3D (OpenGL) screen
saver modules from the xscreensaver collection. This package is
used by both xscreensaver and gnome-screensaver.
This is the set of GL screensavers shipped by default:
antinspect, antspotlight, atunnel, blinkbox, bubble3d, circuit, cubestorm,
endgame, engine, flipflop, flipscreen3d, flurry, flyingtoasters, gears,
gflux, glblur, glcells, gleidescope, glknots, glmatrix, glschool,
glslideshow, glsnake, gltext, hypertorus, jigglypuff, lavalite, lockward,
mirrorblog, moebius, boebiusgears, molecule, morph3d, pipes, polyhedra,
polytopes, pulsar, queens, sierpinski3d, spheremonics, stonerview,
superquadrics, topblock, voronoi.
More GL screensavers can be found in the xscreensaver-gl-extra package.
Mode display modes can be found in the xscreensaver-data,
xscreensaver-data-extra and xscreensaver-gl-extra packages. |